As I am writing this, I am on a red-eye flight on my way to Baltimore. The reason for this trip is to visit my dear grandfather or rather Zaidy, as we call him, Rabbi Hirsch Diskind. He lives in Israel, but has not been well recently. He has terrible pains regularly throughout most of his body. The doctors in Israel discovered what appeared to be a broken vertebrae but weren’t sure. His children for a number of reasons decided to bring him to The United States for medical treatment. The doctors here took some more tests that were also inconclusive. They have been hoping, however, that it may simply be an infection in the spine. Regardless of what it is, it seems that this is the source of the pain. This past Monday they took a biopsy and we should hopefully have a diagnosis soon.
I enjoy taking red-eye flights when traveling alone since I generally have no problem sleeping on the plane. By taking the red-eye I waste no time during the day flying. This time, however, I have been finding it difficult to fall asleep. Thoughts of my grandfather and Continue reading G-d, Zaidy, and Sentimentality →